Red Barnet 'Hide and seek is not always a game'. Campaign work for Red Barnet in Scandinavia. Ad Agency – Hjaltelin Stahl Client – Redd Barna Norway
BMW Pro skater, Rune Glifbjerg, in the new all electrical BMW iX1 Client – BMW Agency – Looping Group
SONOS SONOS x Wang & Söderstrøm collab campaign images. Ad Agency – Anyways Creative, London Client – SONOS
Advertising – Portfolio Quick portfolio view of commercial work for SONOS, IKEA, Cuisinella, Swica, Carlsberg, Danish Crown, Novozymes, Telia, Codan, Dong Energy, Lunar Way and more.
Ældre Sagen 'We are waiting for pension news'. Campaign for Ældre Sagen. Agency: Lead Agency Client: Ældre Sagen
Norlys 'Internet In All Corners Of Your Home'. New campaign work for Norlys. Agency – Accenture Song Client – Norlys
Islands Brygge Ongoing project. Portraits of young people hanging out in my neighborhood in Copenhagen, Islands Brygge.
Project – Scramblers Photos from road trips on motorbikes, the landscapes we passed and people we met.
Berlingske Media Images of people consuming news, podcasts and other digital content from Berlingske Media. Client – Berlingske Media
DM Corporate images of academic professionals and members of the Danish labour union, Danish Association od Masters and PhDs (DM). Ad Agency – Kontrapunkt Client – DM
Danish High Schools 'Anything is Possible' campaign shot for Danish High School association. Ad Agency – Advice A/S Client – STX Danish High School association
The Bait Shop Personal project about temptation and the quality of causing an interest or desire in other people.
Portraits – Editorial Portrait work for magazines like Monocle, Juxtapoz, Wallpaper*, Euroman, Harvard Business Review, Wired, Ud&Se and others.
The Hanoi Express Personal photography from an off road trip out of Hanoi through the amazing scenery of North Vietnam.
Rohan Personal work from an evening spent with Rohan who's crossing the African continent in his Defender.
Project – Mammoth Personal project, inspired by the mood of the financial crisis, Mammoth considers USA as a giant on the verge of extinction, a Mammoth.